Belmokhba Inc. Brand
A story with a very creative team I worked with, lead by Mr.Shuaib Rashed and the Awesome Executive Producer Mr.Thamer Althamer at that time.
Mr.Thamer's Creative vision for the Company lead this work to see the light, It was the harmony between a Director and a designer who was me at that time .. I remember how hard was it to Choose One single sketch of tens if not more than one hundred doodles .. 45 Days communicating, Brainstorming, concept sketching and studying mood boards till we decided to to go with the following Direction which has become an Icon in the Middle East if not in the world.
The old Logo's concept was a combination between a Clapboard and the Camera Shutter with customized handwritten Arabic Modern calligraphy.
Old Logo

First Logo Animation
Makhshoosh & Monster sketches and illustrations

New Logo Development

2D Logo animation

3D Logo Intro Animation
وجب التنويه: هذا العمل هو ملك لشركة بالمخبة للدعاية والإعلان و النشر والتوزيع ، وأي إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف في هذا العرض هو من حقوقهم. وإني أشارك هذا العمل لأهداف تعليمية ولعرض مهاراتي في الأداء كمصمم ومحرك وكمبادر للأفكار الإبداعية دون إنكار لأدوار الأفراد أو الفريق الذي ساهم في إنجاح هذا المشروع
Important to mention: this project has rights to its respective owners Belmokhba inc media,Any additions, edits or deletion in this project is from their rights.
And I’m publishing this project for Educational purposes and showing my skills as a concept , motion designer and as a creative director in some parts. without any denial of any team members or their performance.